Roman Catholic labor movement in Grodno province (last third of XIX - beginning of XX century.)
The aim of society is to raise education among workers in the religious-moral, intellectual and social relations. In order to implement the intended target organization has the right to organize regular meetings at which they were made instructive reading, friendly carnivals and other allowable entertainment, organize libraries and reading rooms, mediate contentious issues and helped pacify mis
understandings between employers and workers, contributed to the device funeral fund, auxiliary-savings and other similar institutions, as well as consumer stores, planned and publishing their own newspapers [3, pp.41].
According to the regulations of the Union appeared that a member of society could be anyone who has paid three-ruble fee, and each member of the board enrolled in the society. In addition, the board could appoint outsiders to the post of secretary and librarian at the meetings of the society, which were delivered public lectures and readings, to attend outsiders, and this in turn did not like the police [3, pp.45].
June 15, 1907 on their way to Roman Catholic procession in the street Kupecheskaya Grodno on the balcony of the house № 17 Calixto Avgusevicha in which the rule was "Christian Workers' Union, members of the society, and K. V. Sacro Avgusevichem initiated by the priest in. Bernice was arranged altar. However, according to the imperial order of January 29, 1904 and on 13 September 1907 of the Vilna governor-general of all that related to religious processions, without the prior permission of the provincial leadership suppressed: the perpetrators were fined 500 rubles, or arrest for up to three months. Grodno region governor, instead of directly punishing the guilty, did not approve the company's charter bakeries and bakery on shares in the "Christian Workers' Union" [3, pp.73]. In 1908, the society also forbade dancing nights and carry the Christmas tree, which made the main income of the organization: more than 300 rubles a year. Grodno governor also banned the company's charter to change [3, pp.73]. By 1911 is the last mention of the Union, has only 38 full members and 37 members sorevnovateley [3, pp.105]. Most likely, the existence of society gradually disappeared as a result of progressive restrictive actions by the civil authorities.
Thus, under constant police surveillance of the Roman Catholic associations were forced to adapt, find a qualitatively different form of existence. Roman Catholic workers' organizations in the Grodno province failed to unite the workers and act on the objectives outlined in the statutes. In many respects this policy contributed to the civil authorities, aimed at preventing similar societies, as well as the actual departure of the unions from the goals outlined in the statute.
List of sources and literature
1. Rerum novarum // 100 years of Christian social doctrine. - London: House of Mary, 1991. - 65 pp.
2. The point of habeas data Vilna governor-general in what churches today are Roman Catholic fraternity / National Historical Archive in Grodno. - Fund.1. - Op.8. - D.1831.
3. The thing about the society of Christians working in the city of Grodno // National Historical Archive in Grodno. - Fund.1. - Op.9. - D.96.
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- Важнейшие требования к композиции документа
- Гармония речи и основные законы современной риторики
- Выразительность речи и ее условия
- Времена группы Simple
- Версия унификации и усовершенствования азерлийских национальных фамилий в Азербайджане
- Грамматика английского языка в примерах и упражнениях
- Грамматические правила русского языка