
Hobby and keenness

1. Parents, grandparents, or friends give instruction, guidance, and encouragement.

2. A gift received starts the person on his hobby.

3. Children and youth get their hobby ideas while in school or while participating in an agency program.

4. Camp programs arouse interest.

5. Some hobbies are an outgrowth of vacations.

6. Some hobbyists get started by attending classes in in

struction in crafts, music, radio, speech, etc.

7. Some persons become interested through seeing a hobbyist in action.

8. Others are stimulated while visiting a hobby show or an arts and crafts display.

8. Some are interested as a result of trips to museums. Libraries, and parks.

9. Reading magazine articles and books arouses the interest of some people.

11. Listening to a talk on a hobby or hobbies start some people on their interest.

10. Talks on radio or demonstration on television start some folks on their hobby.

6.2 How To Get Started - Suggestions to the Individual

1. Talk to other persons pursuing same hobby.

2. Read books and magazines on hobbies.

3. If necessary attend classes for instruction.

4. Visit hobby show exhibits.

5. Check on source of supplies.

6. If a collection hobby is selected limit the collection and begin at once to classify collection.

7. Join a hobby club.

7. Go to the library, museum, recreation and other agencies.

8. Start on a hobby in a small way.

10. Subscribe to a magazine specializing in the hobby selections.

6.3 How To Stimulate Hobby Interest

The recreation agency can help the potential hobbyist as well as the person who has a hobby. For the beginner it can expose him to activities that may lead up to hobby selections.

6.4 How To Help the Beginner

1. Provide classes on beginning arts and crafts, photography, music and drama.

2. Provide classes in hobby exploration.

3. Have displays featuring hobbies.

3. Advise the beginner of resources in the community such as library, schools, and hobby clubs.

5. Plan trips to local points of interest.

6. Provide talks by hobbyists.

7. Organize hobby clubs for older adults who do not have hobbies.

8. Use older adults hobbyists in teaching and guiding beginners.

6.5 How To Help the Hobbyist

1. Provide space for hobby club to meet regularly. Help clubs by providing facilities and acquaint them with other resources.

2. Provide special facilities and equipment that can be made available to hobbyists who cannot afford their own. Examples are;

a. Photography room (dark room);

b. Shop with hand power tools;

c. Ceramics room and kiln;

d. Room for radio amateurs;

e. Field for operation of model planes.

3. Arrange to exhibit hobbies in store windows.

1. Sponsor hobby interviews on the radio and television.

2. Sponsor a hobby show or fair. This requires much planning, organization and promotion.

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