Разработка интеллектуального агента глоссария с набором терминов по тематическим вопросам


<giperlink>acyclic graph</giperlink>




<term value="term7">



<definition count="1">A set of items which are randomly ac

cessible by numeric index. </definition>


<term value="term8">

<name>array index</name>


<definition count="1">The location of an item in an array. </definition>



<term value="term9">



<definition count="1">A node of a tree referred to by a parent node. See the figure at tree. Every node, except the root, is the child of some parent. </definition>






<term value="term10">

<name>circular list</name>


<definition count="1">A variant of a linked list in which the nominal tail is linked to the head. The entire list may be accessed starting at any item and following links until one comes to the starting item again. </definition>

<giperlink>linked list</giperlink>




<term value="term11">

<name>complete tree</name>


<definition count="1">A tree in which all leaf nodes are at some depth n or n-1, and all leaves at depth n are toward the left. </definition>


<giperlink>depth </giperlink>



<term value="term12">

<name>connected graph</name>


<definition count="1">An undirected graph that has a path between every pair of vertices. </definition>


<term value="term13">



<definition count="1">Of a node, the distance from the node to the root of the tree. </definition>





<term value="term14">

<name>doubly linked list</name>


<definition count="1">A variant of a linked list in which each item has a link to the previous item as well as the next. This allows easily accessing list items backward as well as forward and deleting any item in constant time. </definition>

<giperlink>linked list</giperlink>

<giperlink>link </giperlink>


<term value="term15">

<name>dynamic array</name>


<definition count="1">An array whose size may change over time. Items are not only added or removed, but memory used changes, too.




<term value="term16">



<definition count="1">The maximum distance of any leaf from the root of a tree. If a tree has only one node (the root), the height is zero.






<term value="term17">

<name>internal node</name>


<definition count="1">A node of a tree that has one or more child nodes, equivalently, one that is not a leaf. </definition>






<term value="term18">



<definition count="1">A node in a tree without any children. See the figure at tree. </definition>






<term value="term19">

<name>linear search</name>


<definition count="1">Search an array or list by checking items one at a time. </definition>




<term value="term20">



<definition count="1">A reference, pointer, or access handle to another part of the data structure. Often, a memory address. </definition>




<term value="term21">



<definition count="1"> A collection of items accessible one after another beginning at the head and ending at the tail. </definition>




<term value="term22">



<definition count="1">A two-dimensional array. By convention, the first index is the row, and the second index is the column. </definition>


<term value="term23">



<definition count="1">A unit of reference in a data structure. Also called a vertex in graphs and trees. </definition>

<definition count="2">A collection of information which must be kept at a single memory location.






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