Роль физиологических и средовых факторов в обеспечении половых различий в кардиоваскулярной чувствительности к стрессам человека и животных

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44. *Igosheva, N. Cardiovascular and endocrine responses to cutaneous electrical stimulation after fentanyl in the ovine fetus / R. P. Smith, S. L.miller, N. Igosheva, D. M. Peebles, V. Glover, G. Jenkin, M. A. Hanson, N. M. Fisk // Am J Obstet Gynecol. - 2004. - V.90. - P.836-842.

45. Igosheva, N. Maternal stress in pregnancy may affect the cardiovascular system of the child / N. Igosheva, V. Glover // Physiol News. - 2004. - V.56. - P.36-37.

46. Igosheva, N. Isatin - endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor: role in stress and cell death / N. Igosheva, C. Lorz, E. O’Conner, V. Glover, H. Mehmet // V International Congress on Stress: abstracts. - London, 2004. - P.134.

47. *Igosheva, N. Isatin, an endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor, triggers a dose - and time-dependent switch from apoptosis to necrosis in human neuroblastoma cells / N. Igosheva, C. Lorz, E. O’Conner, V. Glover, H. Mehmet / /Neurochem Int. - 2005. - V.47. - P.216-224.

48. *Igosheva, N. Isatin: role in stress and anxiety / A. Medvedev, N. Igosheva, M. Crumeyrolle-Aria, V. Glover // Stress. - 2005. - V.8. - P.175-183.

49. Igosheva, N. Programming of cardiovascular function: differential effects of pre - and post-natal maternal stress / N. Igosheva, P. Taylor, L. Poston, V. Glover // III International Congress on Developmental Programming of Adult Disease.: abstracts. - Toronto, 2005. - P.245.

50. *Igosheva N. Prenatal stress in the rat results in increased blood pressure responsiveness to stress and enhanced arterial reactivity to NPY in adulthood / N. Igosheva, P. Taylor, L. Poston, V. Glover // J Physiol. - 2007. - V.582. - P.665-674.

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