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The Mrs. , "spouses" called further, voluntary, by a mutual consent marrying, with a view of settlement of the mutual rights and duties, both in marriage, and in case of its cancellation, have concluded the present marriage contract as follows:


Subject of the present contract are property rights of spouses, the rights and duties concerning children who

were born in marriage, mutual relations of spouses, as well as a responsibilities.


2.1. Marriage relations of spouses are under construction according to principles of monogamy, voluntariness of the marriage union of the man and the woman, equality of spouses in a family, rendering mutual moral and material support, display of mutual respect and care to each other.

2.2. Spouses are obliged to satisfy material, moral and physical requirements of each other.

2.3. Spouses undertake not to force each other to any actions not compatible to their moral principles, breeding, a state of health.

2.4. Spouses guarantee absence at them bad habits, such as the use of drugs, the alcohol, the perverted satisfaction of the physiological requirements, and undertake not to be on drugs, and do not use the alcoholic drinks not more once in a week in reasonable quantities.

2.5. The spouse undertakes not to force the spouse to carry out a heavy physical activity and to do not make any actions harmful to her health.

2.6. The behavior of spouses should promote love and respect between them, to family strengthening, a birth and education of healthy children.


3.1. To children who were born in marriage, protection of their rights and legitimate interests from the side of their parents is guaranteed.

3.2. Parents and children living together, are owners of their property and free to use it at any time.

3.3 In case of a mutilation or death of one or both spouses the property right of the dyed spouse’s passes to children born in marriage.

3.4. Parents are bear responsibility for physical, property, spiritual development of children

3.5. The parental rights cannot be carried out in the contradiction with interests of the child. Parents should not harm physical and mental health of children.

3.6. Parents are obliged to contain the children. In case of divorce or separate residing of spouses, children have the right to worthy material maintenance from the side of their father since according to the marriage contract they remain to live with mother.

3.7. In case of divorce, separate residing of parents; children remain to live with mother.


4.1. The property acquired by spouses during marriage, is the joint property of spouses irrespective of, on whose incomes it has been got.

4.2. The property concerns the general property of spouses acquired by spouses during marriage, and as incomes of each of spouses of their labor activity, enterprise, and intellectual activity. Possession and using property is carried out in consent.

4.3. Jewelries or precious adornments, products from the natural fur, got by spouses during the marriage, and in case of its cancellation by the property of that spouse to whom these things have been got and who used them.

4.4. Each of spouses has the right to use the property of other spouse belonging to him/her before the marriage.

4.5. Spouses have the right to dispose of the general property by a mutual consent. For fulfillment of transactions the preliminary consent of other spouse is necessary.

4.6. Spouses are obliged to abstain from the conclusion of risky transactions. Risky transactions are understood as transactions, impracticable obligations on which can lead to loss of a considerable part of joint property, or to essential reduction of incomes of family budget.


5.1. Each of spouses bears responsibility concerning the obligations taken up to the creditor within property belonging to it.

5.2. On the general property collecting can be turned only under the general obligations of spouses.

5.3. Each spouse is obliged to observe the rights and the legitimate interests of other spouse established by the present marriage contract and the law, both in marriage, and after its cancellation. Otherwise the sanctions provided by the marriage contract and the law are applied.

5.4. The guilty party bears responsibility for infringement of each point of the marriage contract at a rate of US 1000$.

5.5. Numerous infringements of conditions of the marriage contract conduct to divorce. The guilty party pays indemnification to the suffered spouse at a rate of US 100000$.


6.1 The present contract comes into force from the moment of its signing by spouses.

6.2 Spouses in the right in consent at any moment to enter into the additional agreement to the present contract. Unilateral refusal of execution of the present contract is not supposed. Disputes and disagreements dare by negotiations. In a case if the parties will not come to the consent, disputes are resolved in a judicial order.

6.3 Expenses connected with the certificate of the present contract are paid by the Mr. _.

Mr. _

Mrs. _

Брачный договор

Мы, нижеподписавшиеся господин _

госпожа , именуемые далее "супруги", добровольно, по взаимному согласию вступая в брак, в целях урегулирования взаимных прав и обязанностей, как в браке, так и в случае его расторжения, заключили настоящий брачный договор о нижеследующем:


Предметом настоящего договора являются имущественные права супругов, права и обязанности в отношении детей, родившихся в браке, взаимоотношения супругов, ответственность супругов.


2.1. Брачные отношения супругов строятся в соответствии с принципами единобрачия, добровольности брачного союза мужчины и женщины, равноправия супругов в семье, оказания взаимной моральной и материальной поддержки, проявления взаимного уважения и заботы.

2.2. Супруги обязаны удовлетворять материальные, моральные и физические потребности друг друга.

2.3. Супруги обязуются не принуждать друг друга к действиям не совместимым с их моральными принципами, воспитанием, состоянием здоровья.

2.4. Супруги гарантируют отсутствие у них вредных привычек, таких как употребление наркотиков, алкоголя, извращённое удовлетворение своих физиологических потребностей, и обязуются не употреблять наркотики, а алкогольные напитки употреблять не чаще 1-го раза в неделю в разумных количествах.

2.5. Супруг обязуется не принуждать супругу выполнять тяжёлую физическую работу, а так же не совершать действий вредных для её здоровья.

2.6. Поведение супругов должно способствовать любви и уважению между ними, укреплению семьи, рождению и воспитанию здоровых детей.


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