Основные направления совершенствования информационной политики администрации Томской области

Key elements of strategy-based media relations [47]

· The media strategy is documented and implemented according to principles agreed to by public affairs and senior management.

· A media policy is drawn up with responsibilities, profiles and positioning.

· Media activity is planned to reach target audiences in direct support of your organizational mission and goals.

· Me

dia contact is broadly divided into proactive and reactive activities.

· Issuance of press releases, position statements and key announcements through both offline and online methods to prompt media coverage.

The media work in the new legal environment since 1991, the first serious step in this direction was the Federal Law "On Mass Media" [48], on 27 December 1991 № 2124-1, entered into force on 8 February 1992 they legislate common principles of freedom of the media, the new organization and the media. At the same time, the Law defined the basic principles of interaction with the media. Among them there are the following: [34, p.72]

• Objectivity: a journalist should cover the facts exactly as they occur in reality - without any fraud, drama, without interference in the personal lives of citizens. Do not make public reports of serious incidents in society as long as there is no given careful and prudent assessment of seriousness of the situation;

• Integrity: punishable by getting information by illegal means in the form of blackmail, any suggestions and requests, which could affect the participants in the events;

• Ethics: media should refuse to grant broadcast assumptions, rumors, their own guesses for the exact facts.

• Pluralism: the audience has the right to obtain information about all that, one way or another, affects social life. And the journalist's own view should not insult the present and possible, be neutral. In this case the journalist is not obliged to be responsible for the information obtained from official government or public sources. When you publish the facts, he should give clear reference to source materials.

In the process of organizing the activities PR should remember the basic rules of interaction with the media: [51]

• the design information for the media should be in addition to corporate objectives to comply with the public interest. Cleared message must be accurate, understandable, have important facts of interest and news value to media and other contact groups;

• the mechanism of interaction with the press should be done on a regular basis in the partnership mode, tact, truthfulness and respect;

• need time to respond to media requests and to provide comprehensive information services, observing the two necessary conditions: accuracy and speed. If there are misunderstandings between the PR-specialists and journalists, they should be eliminated in the shortest time at the expense of the actual materials, documents, explanations and clarifications on the highest level;

• Planning to prepare the information, its release to the press, PR-specialists to organize the work of assessment feedback to the recommendations of the management to improve marketing activities;

• PR-specialist should make every effort to prepare presentations leader, his press interviews on radio, in the PR-campaign, using interviews, briefings, presentations, etc.;

• PR-department should always be open and available for establishing contacts with the media in any form. On a regular basis should be monitored in the field of tracking, analysis and evaluation of press releases, radio and television.

• Be smart. Be professional. Learn from others. Media Invitation to the friendly people come to your organization, to give workshops on interviews, and other topics. To understand the media you are trying to influence and make sure they understand you.

The tasks of media professionals

Today in the newly formed society of media workers the following tasks must be performed: [49]

• coverage in the press, on radio and television major events taking place in society from the standpoint of the neutral critics, without favoring one viewpoint over another in order to win the trust of the masses as a vital guarantor of the functioning of the institutions of media;

• the media should initiate them pulses of positive change in society. In the first place to establish business contacts with representatives of PR, business, government and legislative bodies

Solving these problems, the media do a great job in the field of informatization of society, the formation of the national economy, the coordination of multiple movements, aesthetic orientation in society, protection of citizens, their interests, respect for the rule of law in the country.

Control system information space [37, с.288]

Media in practice is controlled element and directly dependent on those who finance them. In our country, a large proportion of the information space media is controlled by the state under the doctrine of information security state channels TV - the first TV channel "Russia", "Culture". Control system information field of mass media in Russia is presented in pic. 3.2. [34, p.383]

The first level of control the media is controlled by a politicized capital and is owned by the state. It is this level of opinion-Russians in the field of political propaganda in the light of public facilities. At this level, a great role do news agency ITAR-TASS, RIA Novosti, RosBusinessConsulting; Channels TV «Russia", "Culture", "Sport", "Euronews", "Radio Ros ¬ is this", "Mayak" ; print media "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Parliamentary Press, Media of the Government of Moscow. Typically, this level serves as the state control to state security, the authority of the Russian economy, the achievement of national projects.

The second level of print and electronic media controls society-wide interregional coverage by news agencies – “Interfax”, “Prime-TASS”; TV “STS”, “TNT”, “Ren-TV”, “TV-3”, “DTV –Viasat”, “Home”; radio station “Mayak-24”, “Russian radio”, “Echo of Moscow”, the frequency channels of FM-range; printed media “Kommersant”, “Expert”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

At the interregional level the role of commercial media significantly increases, smoothly integrating into the overall media-political system, but the impetus is not only national interests, but also achievement of commercial success.

It is known that in regions of the country an increased interest in local radio, television and print media is always observed. Thus it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the third level of information space management.


1 Federal level


Information agency


Print press


Media of the Government Moscow


Media holdings






2. Interregional level


News Agencies


Commercial publication


printed media






3. Regional level


News Agencies


Regional Printing presses


Local TV




4. 4. Internet


Corporate Website


Personal Website


Foreign holdings


5. Polymedia


Business Feed RBC


Mobile network MegaFon


Interactive Family TV


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