Приемы и средства личностно-ориентированного обучения иностранному языку в средней школе

- move a victim to a dry place replace wet clothes with dry give a warm (not hot)drink

- place a victim in a warm (not hot) bath if he is well enough

VIII Write a note for the teacher, explaining why you can't come to school.

There are different situations in life, give a piece of advice.

What should a person do if

I have a headache:

I have a cough;

I have a burn; <

p>I can't go to sleep;

I have a cut. Suggested answers.

If you've got a headache, you should drink herbal tea or just have a rest.

If youVe got a cough, you should drink warm milk or take some honey.

If you have a burn, you should put the burn under cold water, but don't put ice on the burn.

If you can't go to sleep, you should drink a large glass of warm milk.

If you have a cut, you should use a ban­dage.

You must/mustn't

- try to get medical help - let the victim walk

- warm the victim by - rubbing his/her skin

- give the victim alcohol

- warm the victim by

- applying direct heat

XI. T: Finally we'll discuss the question:

- How to keep fit?

Divide into two groups and think about your common opinion.

(During the discussion the teacher can turn on some nice energetic music like "Hypodinamia" sung by V. Eeontyev.)

Then pupils present their projects.

Сценарий ролевой игры по теме "Cinema"

10 класс. Form of the Game: Panel Discussion on TV

Subject of the Discussion: film "The Lord of the Rings",

released by New Line Cinema

Цели игры:

- коммуникативная- формирование иноязычного общения в ходе решения поставленной коммуникативной задачи.

- образовательная - расширение кругозора учащихся, обогащение содержания страноведческих знаний;

- воспитательная - воспитание уваже­ния к культуре стран изучаемого языка и то­лерантного сознания, формирование куль­туры интеллектуального труда;

- развивающая - активизация речемыслительной деятельности и творческих спо­собностей учащихся.

Characters:The host - H.Peter Jackson (Producer) - P.J. Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) - V.M. Elijah Wood (Frodo) - E.W. Orlando Bloom (Legolas) - O.B* John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) - J.R.-D. Ian McKellen (Gandalf) - LM. Liv Tyler (Arven) - L.T. Fans, journalists

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our studio Today in our "Everything about ." series we are going to talk about "The Lord of the Rings" which is consid­ered to be the film of the century! Meet the team which presented us such a miracle!

Ведущий представляет гостей.

H: We are waiting for questions from the audience and our viewers. Our contact phone number is 55-66-00. My first question is for Peter Jackson. How do you feel about the film?

P.J.: My idea about "The Lord of the Rings" is this: I'm sure that all events of the book took place in real life. I mean this feeling appears when you finish reading it. And that's why I consider these films more as histori­cal then as fantasy ones. I wouldn't have dared to create such a film, if it weren't "The Lord of the Rings", The world of the book is so wonderful, exciting and charming, that I think it is worth spending 3.5 years of my life on.

Н : Oh, we have a question from the audience.

J.: Peter, was it difficult for you to deal with young and inexperienced actors?

PJ.: First of all, I can't say they're inexperienced. Elijah, for example, has taken part in about 8 films and worked, with such masters as Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson. I remember that several days after the beginning we were shooting a scene where hobbits entered a city inhabited by humans. These creatures, no taller than a meter, found themselves among gigantic men and women. Elijah looked so frightened and stunned that I really believed he was a creature twice as short as normal people.

JE.W.1 Thanks, Peter. As for me, it was wonderful to work

Peter and the others. Peter was ready to listen to all Ideas and we had meetings where we discussed scenes and characters. Our ideas were taken into consideration and we felt a part of the process.

V.M.: I met a lot of friends here, and especially 1 found much in common with Sean Beano, Orlando Bloom. The members of our Fellowship even made a tattoo, it is an Elvish number "nine", and we were supposed to keep it secret, but someone let the cat from the bag. Actually, 1 suspect Frodo, he's a bit talkative.

E.W.: Oh, it wasn't me! Don't get at me, I'm a poor hobbit, and all these tall people .

O.B.: Well, and every time like this! As for me, it was a great honor to work together with such Masters as Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Ian Holm. It was the time of fantastic non-stop nightmare, we all were charmed by the book and turned into a crowd of Tolkien fans and it was wonderful.

Fan: My question is to Sir McKellen. You are considered to be a highbrow actor. How did you come to Holly­wood?

LIVL: Well, I've played a lot of parts in the theatre and on TV: Macbeth, King Lear, Adolf Hitler, poet John Keats, even Russian tsar Nicolas the Second, but Hollywood producers thought that I'm too great for their films! (Laughs) But sometimes they turned for help when they couldn't do themselves, for example, I took part in "Gods and Monsters1' and was even nominated for an Oscar! But they've spoilt me! Look, where Т am filming now: the X-men! (Laughs)

Fan: Do you mean you regret that you've played the part of Gandalt?

UV1: Oh never, not at all! It was a chance to try something new. I'm really fascinated with Gandalf's character: wise, strong-willed, kind, experienced.

J.: My question is to Orlando. Why did you decide to be an actor?

O.B.: I wanted to become an actor when Т was nine. At that time I was in love with a very pretty girl and I dreamed to fly and rescue her from something terrible. When I learned that Superman was an actor, my first thought was: "It is for me!" So I can say that I became an actor because of beautiful women.

H.: Well, about beautiful women. Peter, how did you man­age to find your Princess of Elves?

P.J.: Actually, it took us a long time to find an actress for this role. I said to myself: "I need an actress more beautiful and perfect than an ordinary woman". When I saw Liv, I understood that my dream had come true. I was looking for an actress with such a nature, who is able to understand the princess who fell in love with a mortal man and refused eternal life for the sake of love.

Fan: Liv, you are extremely beautiful!

UT.: Thanks!

Fan: You were the most popular girl at school, weren't | you?

L.T.:Oh, strange as it may seems but no! was considered to be the ugliest girl in my class. My class­mates teased me and called 'liver sausage'. 1 often: cried and my grand says that I came home all in tears.! All my family tried to console me but I was in de­spair. Actually, I don't like to remember my school life.

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