Избирательная система Великобритании

* Деликт избирательный - нарушение установленных правил, имеющее целью сфальсифицировать результаты голосования или повлиять на них.

[1] Ibid. P. 255.

[2] Избирательные системы в свете мирового опыта ( законодательство и практика). - М., 1991. С. 89.

[3] Heath A., Jowell R., Curtice J. How Britain Votes. – Oxford, 1985. P. 54.

[4] Butler D. British general elections since 1945

. – Oxford, 1984. P. 80 – 115.

[5] European journal of political research, 1989; Vol. 13, № 4, P. 45.

[6] Norris Pippa. British elections and parties yearbook. – N.Y., 1992. P. 129 – 131.

[7] Mackie Th. T., Rose R. The international almanac of electoral history. ­­– N. Y., 1982. P. 410 - 411.

[8] Britain 1990. An official Handbook. – London, 1990. P. 251.

* Деликт избирательный - нарушение установленных правил, имеющее целью сфальсифицировать результаты голосования или повлиять на них.

[9] Ibid. P. 255.

[10] Избирательные системы в свете мирового опыта ( законодательство и практика). - М., 1991. С. 89.

[11] Katz Richard S. A theory of parties and electoral system. – London., 1980. P. 231.

[12] Холодковский К. Г. Как выбирают в парламент в странах Европы, Америки, Азии. ­– М., 1993. С. 78 – 79.

[13] Butler D. British general elections since 1945. – Oxford, 1989. P. 65.

[14] Britain. An official Handbook 1997. – London, 1997. P. 231.

[15] Heath A., Jowell R., Curtice J. How Britain Votes. – Oxford, 1985. P. 12.

[16] Ibid. P, 56.

[17] Евдокимов В. Б. Политические партии в зарубежных странах. –Екатеринбург. 1992. С. 70.

[18] Britain at the Polls. - London, 1995. P. 25.

[19] Heath A., Jowell R., Curtice J. How Britain Votes. – Oxford, 1985. P. 54.

[20] Маклаков В. В. Избирательное право стран – членов Европейских сообществ. – М., 1992. С. 41.

[21] Butler D., Kavanagh D. The British General Elections of 1987. - London, 1989. P.275.

[22] Ibid. P. 298.

[23] Маклаков В. В. Избирательное право стран – членов Европейских сообществ. – М., 1992. С. 32.

[24] Острогорский М.Я. Демократия и политические партии. – М., 1997. С.170.

[25] Из истории европейского парламентаризма: Великобритания. – М., 1995. С.164.

[26] Сэмпсон А. Новая анатомия Британии. – М., 1975. С.51.

[27] Кертман Л.Е. География, история и культура Англии. – М., 1979. С.75-93.

[28] Butler D. British general elections since 1945. – Oxford, 1989. P.170-195.

[29] Observer. XI.25.1970. P.5.

[30] The Times. X.30.1971.

[31] Bruce-Gardner J. Whatever Happened to the Quiet Revolution. – London, 1974. P. 123-125.

[32] New Trends in British Politics since 1975. – London, 1978. P.28-46.

[33] The Times. II.11.1975.

[34] The Right Approach. A Statement of Conservative Aims. – London, 1976. P.8.

[35] The Right Approach to the Economy. – London, 1977. P.39.

[36] Benn A.W. The New Politics: A Socialist Reconnaissance. – London, 1970. P.11.

[37] Benn A.W. Speeches by Tony Benn. – Nottingham, 1974. P.38-39.

[38] Labour’s Programme for Britain. 1973. - London, 1973. P.7.

[39] Holland St. The Socialist Challenge. – London, 1975. The Strategy for Socialism London. 1975.

[40] Benn A.W. Speeches by Tony Benn. - Nottingham. 1974. P.202-203.

[41] Великобритания. - М., 1981. С.320-322.

[42] Городецкая И.Е. Великобритания: избиратели, выборы, партии (1945-1970). - М., 1974. С.53-55.

[43] The Times. IX.30.1972.

[44] Перегудов С.П. Тэтчер и тэтчеризм. - М., 1996. С.105.

[45] Riddell P. The Thatcher Decade. – London, 1989. P.50.

[46] Britain at the Polls, 1979. - London, 1981. P.85.

[47] Ibid. P.115.

[48] Riddell P. The Thatcher Decade. – London, 1989. P.70-73.

[49] Матвеев В.А. Британия вчера и сегодня. - М., 1989. С.120-126.

[50] Butler D. British general elections since 1945. – Oxford, 1989. P.60.

[51] Britain. An official Handbook, 1979. – London, 1981. P.46.

[52] Butler D. British general elections since 1945. – Oxford, 1989. P.207.

[53] Labour Research. 1981. №2 P.37-42.

[54] Tribune. 1984. №6. P.8.

[55] NEC Report to the 86th Annual Conference of the Labour party. -London, 1987. P.64.

[56] Перегудов С.П. Тэтчер и тэтчеризм. - М., 1996. С.147.

[57] Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. 1993. P.173.

[58] Riddell P. The Thatcher Government. - Oxford, 1983. P.216.

[59] Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. 1993. P.193 - 197.

[60] Economist, 1982, vol. 242, n. 7009. P. 51.

[61] ITV Election Factbook. - London, 1987. P. 215 – 217.

[62] ITV Election Factbook. - London, 1987. P.218.

[63] Trade Unions in British Politics. - London, 1982. P.299.

[64] Political Quarterly. № 4. 1983. P.347.

[65] Ibid. P. 357.

[66] Electoral change in Western Democracies: Patterns a. Sourses of electoral volatility. - London, 1985. P.75.

[67] Gamble A. Thatcher, The Second Coming// Marxism Today. X.1983. P.10.

[68] New Britain – New Partnership. - London, 1985.

[69] ITV Election Factbook. - London, 1987. P.223.

[70] Britain at the Polls 1987. - London, 1988. P.311.

[71] Butler D., Kavanagh D. The British General Elections of 1987. - London, 1989. P. 287.

[72] The Times. II.3.1988.

[73] New Statesman and Society. VI. 15. P. 14

[74] Economist. 1990. vol. 257, n. 7200. P. 57.

[75] The Guardian. XI.21.1990.

[76] Перегудов С. П. “Отставка Маргарет Тэтчер”, Вопросы истории, N8,1992, С. 13.

[77] HESELTINE М. Where There's A Will. - London, 1987.

[78] Heseltine M. The Challenge of Europe: Can Britain Win? - London, 1990.

[79] Независимая газета. 05.04.95

[80] Правда. 17.04.96.

[81] The Financial Times. II.28.1990.

[82] Консерватизм: история и современность. - Пермь, 1995. С. 80 – 81.

[83] Britain 1992. An official Handbook. - London, 1992. P. 53.

[84] Sopel J. Tony Blair: the modernizer. - London, 1996. P.129.

[85] New labour triumph: Britain at the polls. - N.Y., 1997. P.49 – 73.

[86] The Times. III.27.1994.

[87] The Economist. 1994, vol. 278, n. 7509. P. 31.

[88] The Economist. 1994, vol. 278, n. 7509. P. 31.

[89] The Economist, 1997 vol. 342, n. 8009. P. 18.

[90] The Economist, 1997 vol. 343, n. 8014. P. 34.

[91] Общественно политическая газета № 17(232) 25.IV.1997.

[92] The Economist, 1997 vol. 342, n. 8009. P. 45 .

[93] The Economist, 1997 vol. 342, n. 8009. P. 45 .

[94] The Economist, 1997 vol. 343, n. 8014. P. 33-38 .

[95] New Statesman 1996. 10. P.31.

[96] Эхо планеты. 1997. № 13. С.6.

[97] Эхо планеты. 1997. № 19-20. С. 18.

[98] The Guardian. X.02.1997.

[99] The Economist. 1997 vol. 343, n. 8014. P. 37 .

[100] The Economist, 1997 vol. 343, n. 8014. P. 37 .

[101] Перегудов С.П. Тэтчер и тэтчеризм. - М., 1996. С. 210-229.

[102] Butler D., Stokes D. Political change in Britain: The evolution of electoral choice. – L., 1974.

[103] Crewe L., Sarvlik B., Alt J . Partisan dealignment in Britain 1964-1974 / British journal of political science. – L., 1977, № 7.

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