Реклама. Принятие решений

Price – цена.

Product – продукт.

Puffery – рекламирование.

Radio – радио.

Radio advertising – радиореклама.

Resume – резюме.

Short raters – короткий.

Specialty advertising – специальная реклама.

Sponsorship – субкультура.

Subculture – субсидирование.

Television – телевидение.

Television advertising – телевизионная реклама.

Visual – визуальный. >Theatre advertising – театральная реклама.

Zapping – убить.

Underwriting – подписание.

Unique Selling Proposition м- уникальная продажа суждения.

Заключение («The Summing Up»)

The present paper is concerned with the study of book “Advertising. A decision - making approach”. It is written by Charles H.Patti, Charles F.Frazer. The book under examination is published by “The Dryden Press”. The purpose of the paper is to examine and investigate: Part 1: Background for Understanding Advertising; Part 2: Marketing and Advertising Environments: Campaign Foundations; Part 3: Advertising Decision Making: Pre – Campaign Issues; Part 4: Advertising Decision Making: Campaign Development and Execution; Part 5: Advertising Decision Making: Message Delivery; Part 6: Contemporary Issues in Advertising.

Today all of us have our own opinion what advertising is, and we also are inclined to have own opinions and biases in this occasion. There are numerous and various definitions of advertising. It can be defined as communication process, as process of the organisation of sales, as the economic and social process providing public relation, as information process or process of belief, depending on the point of view.

In chapter 1 the historical context in which advertising developed is examined, and the special attention is concentrated to advertising forms that exist today.

In chapter 2 two groups which are basic for the advertising message are described: advertisers and advertising agencies. Advertisers create advertising, and advertising agencies carry out a problem of transfering the purposes and ideas in visual and oral messages which we know as advertisements or advertising campaigns. After messages are created they should are transferred to recipients, that is to be shown to public. It is a problem of carriers and many other connected advertising services described in the third chapter.

Chapter 4 tells about recipients of advertising messages - advertising consumers. This chapter teaches us methods and ways of influence on the potential consumers of the advertised goods. Also some ways of influence of advertising on the buyer are described.

Chapter 5 is called Ways of distribution of advertising: solvation of marketing problems. In it the basic ways of distribution of advertising, degree of their efficiency and degree of influence on advertising consumers are described.

Chapter 6 under the name Modern problems in advertising, describes modern advertising, Its problems and ways of solvation and what expects advertising in the future.

The book on advertising has been chosen for reviewing because it corresponds very closely with a theme of the dissertational research devoted to studying of advertising. Nowdays the given problem - the consideration of advertising as the social phenomenon is among insufficiently investigated and demands both theoretical, and practical studying of all its aspects.

In the reviewed book advertising, its ways, the purposes, problems and ways of their execution are examined in details. Also ways of influence on the person, by use of certain pictures, melodies and other means of manipulation are described.

For translation of a fragment of the book we have chosen chapter 5 Ways of distribution of advertising: solvation of marketing problems. In it the basic ways of distribution of advertising, degree of their efficiency and degree of influence on advertising consumers are described.

We have included in the dictionary-minimum, those words which are frequently used and which appear to be the main things in the chosen fragment of the text for the translation. Also special terminology and the most frequent general scientific lexicon (words and word-combinations) are included. Also our work includes section "Conclusion" (The summing Up), and "Appendix" which contains copies of the original of the text.

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