Обучение культуре речи школьников старших классов

Задание. Уместно ли употребление выделенных курсивом слов? Объясните, почему вы так думаете.

1. «Ladies and gentlemen! Let me give the floor to our prof who is the

honorable guest of our meeting today.»

2. «This way, please,» said the scientist to the foreign guests. «I'm going

to show you our largest lab.»

3. «Bye-bye, mum ! I'll be at home at about 5.»

Задание. В следу

ющем отрывке вам нужно объяснить выделенные слова автора. Почему манера речи господина Рейтере, выдавала в нем иностранца?

«Yes, yes, I see what you mean,» said Mr. Reiter. «But indeed, I do no see that I can be much help to you. I am new here this season and I did no speak much with Mrs. Leidner. I regret, but indeed I can tell you nothing.»

There was something stiff and foreign in the way he spoke, though, of course, he hadn't got any accent. (A. Christie)

Задание. Прочитайте следующий отрывок, объясните, почему стиль речи Джеральда вызывает негативную реакцию всех других участников разговора.

Mrs. Conway: Now then, Gerald, we're all waiting. Tell us about it.

Gerald (in dry legal tone): Acting under instructions from Mrs. Con-ay, after it was decided you should all meet here, I have prepared a short statement of Mrs. Conway's present financial position -

Mrs. Conway (protesting): Gerald.

Gerald (rather despairing): Yes?

Mrs. Conway: Must you talk in that awful dry inhuman way? I mean, after all, I've known you since you were a boy, and the children have known you all their lives, and you're begining to talk as if you'd never seen any of us before. And it sounds horrid.

Gerald: But I'm not here now as a friend of the family, but as your solicitor.

Mrs. Conway (with dignity): No. You're here as a friend of the family who also happens to be my solicitor. And I think it would be much better if you told us all in a simple friendly way what the position is.

Alan: I think that would be better, you know, Gerald.

Kay: So do I. When you turn on that legal manner, I can't take you seriously. (J.B. Priestley)

Задание. Прочитайте текст, объясните, почему Кристофер Робин не понимает Сову.

It rained. On the morning of the fifth day Christopher Robin saw the water all round him, and knew that for the first time in his life he was on a real island. Which was very exciting.

It was on this morning that Owl came flying over the water to say «How do you do» to his friend Christopher Robin.

-I say, Owl, said Christopher Robin, - isn't this fun? I'm on the island!

- The atmospheric conditions have been very unfavourable lately, said Owl.

- The what?

- It has been raining, explained Owl.

- Yes, said Christopher Robin, — it has.

- The flood-level has reached an unprecedent height.

- The who?

- There's a lot of water about, explained Owl.

- Yes, said Christopher Robin, — there is.

- However, the prospects are rapidly becoming more favourable. At any moment —

- Have you seen Pooh? (A. Milne)

Задание. Придайте следующим предложениям более разговорную окраску, заменив выделенные курсивом слова их сокращенными формами («clipped words»).

1. We're going to have two examinations this year. 2. Mother doesn't allow me to go out late. 3. The microphone is out of order. 4. Our professor told me to go on with the laboratory experiment.

Задание. Придайте следующим предложением более разговорную окраску, трансформировав их в эллиптические, согласно модели.

Модель: Would you care for a ride?

Care for a ride?

1. Do you remember John Jones? 2. Do you want to know how? 3. Did you have a nice party? 4.1 beg you pardon. 5. I am sorry I could not be there. 6. Is anything the matter?

Задание. Придайте следующим предложениям более официальный оттенок, согласно модели.

Модель: Beg your pardon.

I beg your pardon.

1. Seen any good movies lately? 2. Anyone home? 3. They ready yet? 4. Some fruit?

Задание. Заполните пропуски эллиптическими предложениями из числа приведенных ниже.

Anything the matter? Want some coffee? Good to see you again. Had a good time? Don't know yet.

1 We all missed you terribly. 2. — ., Jane? — Oh, yes. I'm glad I decided to go there after all. 3. Why are you so sad? .? 4. - What are you going to do this weekend? — . 5. — .? — Yes, please.

Обратимся к группе речеподготовительных упражнений, выделяемой многими методистами с целью обеспечения более плавного перехода к этапу речевой практики. При выполнении подобных упражнений внимание обучаемых, как известно, в большей степени направлено на содержание высказывания, ситуация общения играет все большую роль.

Задание. Прочитайте следующие короткие шутки. Обратите внимание на выделенные курсивом слова и предложения. Каков их стилистический эффект?

1. — Our economics prof talks to himself. Does yours?

- Yes, but he doesn't realize it. He thinks we're listening.

2. — Did you have any luck hunting tigers in India?

-Marvellous luck. Didn't come across a single tiger.

3. - Hallo, Jim! Fishing?

— No, drowning worms.

4. — Say, dad, remember that story you told me about when you were expelled from college?


- Well, I was just thinking, dad, how true it is that history repeats itself.

Задание. Проиграйте в парах следующие диалоги, дополнив их адекватными с точки зрения ситуации общения репликами, выражающими извинение. Не забудьте использовать реплики, выражающие реакцию собеседника на извинение.

1)А: How was your vacation?

В: Great. Hey, thanks for the postcards.

A: No thanks at all. But I didn't get any from you!

B: .

A: .

2)A: Hey, where were you last night?

B: I was waiting for you to call to tell me what the address was.

A: .

B: .

3)A: What happened to you during my class yesterday, Jill? Why were you so rude?

B: .

A: .

Большое значение придается видам работы, нацеленным на различного рода стилистические трансформации, которые должны иметь место не только на этапе подготовительных, но и в рамках речеподготовительных упражнений, например:

Задание, а) Прослушайте диалог. Охарактеризуйте ситуацию общения с точки зрения степени ее официальности. Обоснуйте свое мнение.

б) Представьте, что Джон встречает своего учителя, который также интересуется, какое впечатление произвел фильм на Джона. Составьте аналогичный с точки зрения содержания диалог. В чем будет заключаться их различие?

Simon: Did you go out last night?

John: Yes, I went to the cinema.

Simon: Oh. What was the film like?

John: Terrific! It was a scream!

Simon: You enjoyed it, did you?

John: I nearly died. Everyone was killing themselves.

Simon: What sort of film was it?

John: A comedy, of course. It was killing. I practically split my sides laughing. You would have died if you'd seen it.

Группа речевых упражнений включает в себя такие виды, как различного рода пересказ текста (как без стилистических трансформаций, так и сопровождающийся ими в зависимости от заданной ситуации общения); построение собственного высказывания (монологического и диалогического) в заданной ситуации; озвучивание кинофильмов; определение характера ситуации, отраженной на картинке, и беседа на ее основе и т.д.

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