Процесс обучения навыка диалогической речи через использование ролевой игры

+ признаки проявляются.

- признаки не проявляются или проявляются очень слабо.

Приложение В

Рис. 2 Диаграмма результатов наблюдения в рамках констатирующего эксперимента

Приложение Г

Формирующий эксперимент

Цель: повышение уровня сформированности диалогических навыков на уроках иностра

нного языка

Примеры ролевых игр

Карточка №1

Ваш интервьюируемый: известный кинорежиссер.

Получите информацию о том, какие фильмы он снял, над чем работает сейчас, в каких кинофестивалях участвовал, какие планы на будущее, на какой студии работает, с какими актерами.

Guide words: film director, to shoot a film, actor (actress), film studio, International Film Festival, plans for the future

Карточка №2

Ваш интервьюируемый: художник

Получите информацию о жанре, в котором он работает, о выставках, в которых участвовал, о тематике его произведений, о творческих планах.

Guide words: painter, artist, still life, portrait-painting, landscape, battle painting, exhibition

Карточка №3

Ваш интервьюируемый: космонавт

Получите информацию о полете, в котором он участвовал, характере подготовки к нему, об основных целях исследования космического пространства, об успехах советской космонавтики, о планах на будущее.

Guide words: cosmonaut, space flight, to put a spaceship into orbit, to dock, space laboratory.

Карточка №4

Ваш интервьюируемый: спортсмен-рекордсмен

Получите информацию о виде спорта, в котором он достиг отличных результатов, о соревнованиях в которых участвовал, о личных планах, о личной жизни.

Guide words: sportsmen, coach, to train, championship, to set up a

record, to beat ( to break) a record

Карточка №5

Ваш интервьюируемый: учитель английского языка, возвратившийся из турпоездки по Великобритании Получите информацию о маршруте поездки, увиденных достопримечательностях, встречах с простыми англичанами, общих впечатлениях, о стране, об интересных случаях, происшедших во время поездки.

Guide words: a tour of Britain, itinerary, places of interest, meeting with common people, general impression of the country, curios incident/

Приложение Д

Формирующий эксперимент


Цель: определение общего состояния ученика, его стремление «командовать» или «подчиняться» при проведении ролевой игры.

1.В компании, ты с большим удовольствием:

а. организуешь деятельность

б. подчиняешься большинству

в. Предпочитаешь остаться в стороне

2.Если тебе предложат интересное дело то ты:

а. тут же включаешь в него свои поправки

б. с радостью займешься им

в. Будешь сомневаться, стоит ли им заниматься

3.Ты считаешь, что в жизни нужно занимать:

а. активную позицию

б. быть таким же как все

в. Лучше подчинятся, меньше ответственности

4. Мое будущее я связываю с:

а. менеджментом, риском

б. спокойной работой, стабильностью

в. Творчеством, индивидуальной трудовой деятельностью

5. Со взрослыми я предпочитаю:

а. держаться на равных

б. безоговорочно подчиняться

в. Соглашаться, но делать все по своему

Все ученики, принявшие участие в анкетировании показали следующие результаты (Рис. 3):

Приложение Е

Рис. 3 Диаграмма результатов анкетирования в рамках формирующего эксперимента

Приложение Ж

Контрольный эксперимент


Цель: выявление уровня сформированности навыка диалогической речи.

1. What kind of people were George Meadows, his wife and children?

2. Who was the real master of the house?

3. Why did the story of Uncle George amuse the author?

4. What letter had the Meadows received the previous day?

5. What did Captain Meadows look like?

6. What stories did he tell?

7. What made the author think that Captain Meadows had made a success of his life?

8. What did the old man boast of?

9. What did Mrs. Meadows say about him?

10. What did she say made her glad?

Приложение З

Контрольный эксперимент

Цель: выявление уровня сформированности навыка диалогической речи.


The farm, an old-fashioned stone house, was built. In 1673 and for three hundred years the people had been born in it and had farmed the surrounding land.

George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs. George, were a year or two younger. They were both fine people in the prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions about being gentlemen and ladies; they knew their place, were happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merry, satisfactionn and kindly.

The master of the house was not George, but. His mother, who was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village. She was a woman of seventy, tall, upright, with gray hair and a wrinkled face. Her eyes were bright and shrewd and she had a sense of humor. Her word was law in the house and on the farm. In short, she was a character.

One day Mrs. George met me in the street. And told me that they had received a letter from their Uncle George, whom those all thought dead. The letter informed them of his coming. «Just fancy, » she said, «he hasn't been here for fifty years. And old Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she says is that he was very good-looking, but not so steady as his brother Tom!» Mrs. George invited me to look in and see the old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was touching to come across such a story in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brother

Tom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them presents now and then; then there was no more news of him. After her husband's death Emily wrote George about it, but never received an answer.

And the previous day, to their greatest surprise they received his letter, in which he wrote that he was crippled with rheumatism and feeling he had not much longer to live, want d to return to the house in which he was born.

When I came the whole family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs. Meadows was wearing her best silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled yellow face. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit too large for him. Captain George, a he had called himself, told us that he had been so ill he thought he would never be able to get back, but the look of his old home had done him a lot of good. He said good-humouredly: «I feel now better and stronger than I have for many years, dear Emily! » No one had called Mrs. Meadows by her Christian name for a generation and it gave me a shock, as though the old man were taking a liberty with her. It was strange to look at these two old smiling people and to think that nearly half a century ago he had loved her and she had married another.

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