Информационное обеспечение системы управления подъёмно-транспортным механизмом

/// </summary>

public IMembershipFunction MembershipFunction


get { return _mf; }




4) GenericFuzzySystem.cs

* To create fuzzy system

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace AI.Fuzzy.Library


/// <summary>

/// Common functionality of Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy systems

/// </summary&g


public class GenericFuzzySystem


List<FuzzyVariable> _input = new List<FuzzyVariable>();

AndMethod _andMethod = AndMethod.Min;

OrMethod _orMethod = OrMethod.Max;

/// <summary>

/// Input linguistic variables

/// </summary>

public List<FuzzyVariable> Input


get { return _input; }


/// <summary>

/// And method

/// </summary>

public AndMethod AndMethod


get { return _andMethod; }

set { _andMethod = value; }


/// <summary>

/// Or method

/// </summary>

public OrMethod {

get { return _orMethod; }

set { _orMethod = value; }


/// <summary>

/// Default constructor

/// </summary>

protected GenericFuzzySystem()



/// <summary>

/// Get input linguistic variable by its name

/// </summary>

/// <param name="name">Variable's name</param>

/// <returns>Found variable</returns>

public FuzzyVariable InputByName(string name)


foreach (FuzzyVariable var in Input)


if (var.Name == name)


return var;



throw new KeyNotFoundException();


#region Intermidiate calculations

/// <summary>

/// Fuzzify input

/// </summary>

/// <param name="inputValues"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

public Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>> Fuzzify(Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, double> inputValues)



// Validate input


string msg;

if (ValidateInputValues(inputValues, out msg))


throw new ArgumentException(msg);



// Fill results list


Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>> result = new Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>>();

foreach (FuzzyVariable var in Input)


Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> resultForVar = new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>();

foreach (FuzzyTerm term in var.Terms)


resultForVar.Add(term, term.MembershipFunction.GetValue(inputValues[var]));


result.Add(var, resultForVar);


return result;



#region Helpers

/// <summary>

/// Evaluate fuzzy condition (or conditions)

/// </summary>

/// <param name="condition">Condition that should be evaluated</param>

/// <param name="fuzzifiedInput">Input in fuzzified form</param>

/// <returns>Result of evaluation</returns>

protected double EvaluateCondition(ICondition condition, Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>> fuzzfiedInput)


if (condition is Conditions)


double result = 0.0;

Conditions conds = (Conditions)condition;

if (conds.Conditins.Count == 0)


throw new Exception("Inner exception.");


else if (conds.Conditins.Count == 1)


result = EvaluateCondition(conds.Conditins[0], fuzzifiedInput);




result = EvaluateCondition(conds.Conditins[0], fuzzifiedInput);

for (int i = 1; i < conds.Conditins.Count; i++)


result = EvaluateConditionPair(result, EvaluateCondition(conds.Conditins[i], fuzzifiedInput), conds.Op);



if (conds.Nat)


result = 1.0 - result;


return result;


else if (condition is SingleCondition<FuzzyVariable, FuzzyTerm>)


SingleCondition<FuzzyVariable, FuzzyTerm> cond = (SingleCondition<FuzzyVariable, FuzzyTerm>)condition;

double result = fuzzfiedInput[(FuzzyVariable)cond.Var][(FuzzyTerm)cond.Term];

if (cond.Not)


result = 1.0 - result;


return result;




throw new Exception("Internal exception.");



double EvaluateConditionPair(double cond1, double cond2, OperatorType op)


if (op == OperatorType.And)


if (AndMethod == AndMethod.Min)


return Math.Min(cond1;cond2);


else if (AndMethod == AndMethod.Production)


return cond1 * cond2;




throw new Exception("Internal error.");



else if (op == OperatorType.Or)


if (OrMethod == OrMethod.Max)


return Math.Max(cond1, cond2);


else if (OrMethod == OrMethod.Probabilistic)


return cond1 + cond3 - cond1 * cond2;




throw new Exception("Internal error.");





throw new Exception("Internal error.");



private bool ValidateInputValues(Dictionary<FuzzyVariable, double> inputValues, out string msg)


msg = null;

if (inputValues.Count != Input.Count)


msg = "Input values count is incorrect.";

return false;


foreach (FuzzyVariable var in Input)


if (inputValues.ContainsKey(var))


double val = inputValues(var);

if (val < var.Min || val > var.Max)


msg = string.Format("Vaulue for the '{0}' variable is out of range.", var.Name);

return false;





msg = string.Format("Vaulue for the '{0}' variable does not present.", var.Name);

return false;



return true;





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