Религии современного мира

28. Arnaldez R. L’islam. Lille, Ottawa, 1988.

29. Brackney W.H. The Baptists. New York, a.o., 1988.

30. Carmody J.T., Carmody D.L. Contemporary Catholic theology. San Francisco, a.o.,1980.

31. Chadwich O. The Reformation. Aylesbury (Great Britain), 1970.

32. Contemporary Jewish religious thought. New York, London, 1988.

33. Daniélou J., Honoré J., Poupard P. Le

catholicism. Hier - demain. Paris, 1974.

34. Döpmann H.-D. Die Orthodoxen Kirchen. Berlin, 1991.

35. Hardon J.A. Christianity in the twentieth century. Garden City (New York), 1977.

36. Johnstone P. Operation world. Grand Rapids (Michigan), 1993.

37. Kellett E.E. A short history of religions. Bungay (Great Britain), 1962.

38. Küng H. Das Judentum. München, Zürich, 1991.

39. Marshall M. The Anglican Church today and tomorrow. London, 1984.

40. Meyendorff J. L'Eglise orthodoxe hier et aujourd'hui. Paris, 1985.

41. Meyendorff J. The Orthodox Church. London, 1962.

42. New international dictionary of the Christian Church. Grand Rapids (Michigan),1974.

43. O’Brien J., Palmer M. The state of religion atlas. New York, a.o., 1993.

44. Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford, 1974.

45. Protestantism. New York, 1961. Religions in Korea. Seoul, 1986.

46. Religions in the UK: A multi-faith directory. Nottigham, 1993.

47. Religions of the world. New York, 1988.

48. Seventh-day Adventists believe . Washington, 1989.

49. Sikhism. Chicago, 1984. Study of Anglicanism. London, 1986.

50. Welch J.A. Catholicism today. Fort Wayne (Indiana), 1977.

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