Обучение монологической речи учеников 10 класса на уроках английского языка

Домашнее задание: Выразительное чтение стихотворения на следующий урок английского языка.

Данное упражнение развивает чтение, аудирование и логику, улучшает произношение и увеличивает словарный запас обучаемых, кроме того, отвечая на вопросы, они учатся использовать монологическую речь.

Ex. 2 p. 18. Reading. Read the following stories and answer the questions.

Text A. From Europe to

Australia, Africa to Asia, these teenagers pack their bags, say goodbye to friends and family, then they sit on a plane for hours to arrive in a country they have probably only read about or seen on TV. Have you ever sat down and talked to these people? Asked them where they’ve been, and what they’ve seen? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in their shoes? Having been in their situation myself, I know what it feels like. Imagine walking up one day in a country that you’ve never been to, don’t know the language, and know no one there. It is an incredible experience, and something that these students will remember forever.

1. Why do you think these teenagers pack their bags?

2. Do you think it is interesting to talk to them? Why?

3. What problems do you think they might come across?

4. Why do the students remember their experience forever?

Text B. Before our experience with the exchange program, the only feelings we had toward Russia and its people, were “cold war” related. The program allowed us to begin to put names and faces to a country that during our childhood was our enemy. We have two daughters, Mallory and Amanda. They are four and seven. Our daughters learn about Russia through their elder sister’s eyes. To this day, when we see something on the news about Russia, Amanda, our youngest says, “That’s where Katya lives.” We know we had an impact on our Russian daughter’s life that will go away: while here, she was exposed to art and started drawing in school. She said she had really never had an opportunity to learn drawing before. For better or worse, that exposure to art at school may have changed her life. When she went home, we were so sad – we loved her just as one of our own. She will always be welcome in our home. There will be a little part of our hearts missing, because we sent it back to Russia.

1. Did the people know much about Russia before the program?

2. What has the program changed in the author’s life?

3. What impact did the program have on their little daughters?

4. How did the program influence their Russian daughter’s life?

Для начала, обучающимся следует изучить оба текста, затем устно ответить на данные к тексту вопросы.

Примерные ответы:

2A. 1. They are going to study in another country.

2. Yes, as they have seen many things, which we haven’t seen.

3. Problems connected with the language, local traditions, food, cultural differences and etc.

4. They cannot have this experience in any other way.

2B. 1. No, they didn’t. They only feelings they had were “cold war” related.

2. As they said, “They started putting faces and names to a country that during their childhood was their enemy”, i.e. it stopped being an abstract idea.

3. They know a lot about Russia, and even the youngest one when she hears the news about Russia on TV, recognizes the country and says it’s where her big sister lives.

4. She began to learn art, which may change her whole life.

После того, как обучающиеся ответили на вопросы, следует обсудить тему данных текстов, узнать о том, как обучающиеся относятся к таким программам, и хотели бы они посетить какую – либо страну по программе обмена.

Отвечая на вопросы и обсуждая тему этого упражнения, обучающиеся учатся монологической речи.

Ex. 3a p. 12. Speaking. Work in pairs.

· Imagine one of you is Sabrina and the other is the headmaster.

· Discuss the alternative to the school’s decision. Use the flowchart of the dialogue as a starting point.

Овал: Headmaster
Овал: Sabrina
Прямокутна виноска: State the problem,Прямокутна виноска: State the school’s position
Прямокутна виноска: State your own point of view
Прямокутна виноска: Ask for explanations of rule
Прямокутна виноска: Give explanation
Прямокутна виноска: State understanding, but point out disadvantages
Прямокутна виноска: Offer a choice
Прямокутна виноска: Accept one of the alternatives

Language support:

Expressing a different opinion.

1. Yes, I agree with you, but on the other hand…

2. I know, but even so…

3. (Perhaps) You’re right, but what about…?

4. Don’t forget that…

5. Do you really think that…?

6. I can agree with you, but only up a point.

Чтобы приступить к выполнению данного упражнения, для начала нужно изучить “Language support”, который включает в себя возможные варианты выражения разных мнений. Учителю следует помочь с проработкой словарного запаса (если это нужно). Данные выражения, обучающимся следует записать в личный словарь.

В самом задании следует объяснить учащимся о том, как следует выполнять блок- схему. Убедившись, что обучающие поняли задание, нужно разделить их на группы из 4 людей. В каждой группе должны быть две Сабрины и два Директора. Пока первая пара играет свою роль в диалоге, другая пара слушает их и готовится прокомментировать и подвести итог их диалога для всего класса. Затем пары меняются местами. Учителю следует переходить от одной группы учеников к другой и слушать диалоги, и помочь обучающимся, если помощь учителя нужна.

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