Аутентичные тексты как средство обучения поисково-просмотровому чтению на уроках английского языка в 9 классе
Опытно-практическая работа будет проходить в 9 «А» классе и он будет считаться экспериментальным.
Апробация аутентичных текстов как средства обучения поисково-просмотровому чтению на уроках английского языка в 9 классе
Для того, чтобы доказать эффективность использования аутентичных материалов при обучении поисково-просмотровому чтению, нами был разработана серия уроков английского яз
ыка. В данный комплекс вошло 5 уроков на основе поисково-просмотрового чтения, результаты которых позволили наглядно проиллюстрировать изменение уровня сформированности умений поисково-просмотрового чтения.
Тема «Famous British people»
Учащимся был предложен текст на формирование навыков поисково-просмотрового чтения. При отборе аутентичного материала нами учитывались объем, тематика и соответствие программе по иностранному языку. К тексту предлагались 3 задания:
1. Установить, есть ли часть, в которой перечисляются основные темы статьи.
2. Заполнить таблицу.
3. Дополнить слова.
Pre – reading activities.Установите, есть ли часть, в которой перечисляются основные темы статьи.
Robert Burns, a well known and popular Scottish poet, was born in 1759. Burns was born in a poor family of a farmer. There were seven children in it. Robert was the eldest. His father, William Burns, was a farmer and Robert had to help his father. His father loved and understood people and Robert learned from his father to love people. His mother had a very good voice and she often sang songs. She knew many folk-tales and told them to her children. At the age of six Robert Burns went to school, because his father wanted him to be an educated boy. Robert Burns read a lot. He was fond of reading. His favorite writer was Shakespeare. At the age of 15 he began to write poems. He wrote about people, about everyday things. The heroes of his poems were the heroes of his mother's stories.
In 1777 the Burns moved to another town. Robert wrote poetry and organized a society of young people, where all kinds of moral, social and political problems were discussed.
In 1784 his father died and Robert had to work on a small farm, but his farm brought him disappointment and misery. In 1791 he had to sell the farm. He became an officer. He died in poverty at the age of thirty-seven in 1796. His poems are known and loved by people all over the world because Robert Burns glorified a human being.
Reading activities
Заполни таблицу
For example: Robert Burns was born in 1759.
Post – reading activities.
Fill in the words
- Robert Burns, a well known and popular Scottish poet, was … in 1759
- His father loved and … people and Robert learned from his father to love people.
- In 1784 his father … and Robert had to … on a small farm
- In 1777 the Burns moved to another ….
- He … in poverty at the age of thirty-seven in 1796.
На выполнение заданий - 10 минут. Обучающиеся прочитали текст, выполнили задания. Данил М., Камил Л. максимально точно и полно поняли содержание текста, уловили все детали, осмыслили извлеченную информацию. Трудности испытывали Тимур Б., Дарья Б., Азат К.
Тема: «English Writers»
Цель: формирование навыков поискового чтения. Текст содержал 3 задания. 1. Прочтите заглавие и скажите, о чем пойдет речь в тексте.2. Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.3. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание: обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую ответу, который вы считаете наиболее верным.Arthur Burdon and Dr Porhoet Arthur Burdon and Dr Porhoet walked in silence. Arthur has just arrived in Paris. He was a surgeon at St Luke's hospital, and had come to study the methods of the French doctors; but the real object of his visit to Paris was certainly to see Margaret Dauncey. He looked upon himself as a happy man. He loved Margaret with all his heart and he was sure of her affection of him. It was impossible anything could disturb the pleasant life they had planned together. "We're going to fix the date of our marriage now", Arthur remarked to Dr Porhoet. "I'm buying furniture already". "I think only English people could behave as oddly as you in postponing your marriage without any reason for two years," replied the doctor. "You see, Margaret was ten when I first saw her, and only seventeen when I asked her to marry me. She seemed hardly ready for marriage She was still growing. We loved each other and we had a long time before us. We could wait".At that moment a man walked past them, a big stout fellow, dressed in a bright check suit. He gravely took off his hat and greeted Dr Porhoet The doctor smiled and returned the salutation. "Who is your fat friend?" asked Arthur. "He is an Englishman too. His name is Oliver Haddo". "An artist?" asked Arthur in the scornful tone in which he spoke о those whose work was not so practical as his own. "Not exactly. I met him some time ago by chance. When I was collecting the material for my little book on the old alchemists I read a great deal in the library of the 'Arsenal,' which as you may know is rich in work dealing with the occult sciences. One day I was studying some question on which it seemed impossible to find any authorities. The librarian could no help me, and I wanted to give up the search, when this person brought m the book I needed. I was very grateful to the stranger. We left together that afternoon, and our common studies gave a theme of conversation .'Reading activities: – Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.
Post – reading activities. – Прочитайте текст и выполните задание: обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую ответу, который вы считаете наиболее верным.A. Arthur came to Paris to .1 visit his relatives. 2 .meet the girl he loved. 3 .see his old friend. 4 .go sightseeing. B. Arthur and Margaret had known each other .1 .for a week. 2 .for a year. 3 .for a few months. 4 for many years. C. Dr Porhoet has written a book .1 .on medicine. 2 .on biology. 3 .on art. 4 .on an occult science. D. Margaret and Arthur were going to .1 .marry soon. 2 .divorce at once. 3 .postpone the marriage. 4 .visit England. E. Oliver Haddo helped Dr Porhoet .1 .find the way to the library. 2 .get information he needed. 3 .cross the street. 4 .buy a book.Обучающиеся внимательно прочитали текст и выполнили предложенные задания. Познакомились с новыми клише. Сформулировали основную идею текста. Чтобы понять текст ученики обратились к заголовку. Трудности в поиске необходимой информации были у С. Ильнара и Т. Азалии. Тимур Б. не справился ни с одним заданием, т.к. не мог сконцентрироваться на тексте. Задания такого характера мотивировало учащихся на изучение английского языка, а связь с зарубежной литературой еще более усилила интерес.
Тема: «Olympic games». Цель: формирование навыков поискового чтения. Текст содержал 3 задания. 1. Отметьте в тексте места, дающие ответы на предложенные вопросы. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text.Мир, братство, содержать, древний, до нашей эры, Зевс, участвовать, возобновлять.Pre – reading activities: 3. найдите в тексте перечень вопросов, освещаемых в нем. Olympic Games the world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours. The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honor of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries. The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France, Now they are being held regularly. Questions:
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- Этнический, национальный состав населения России
- Беспризорность и преступность
- Выбор методов научно-педагогических исследований в физическом воспитании, спорте и физической реабилитации
- Генезис и особенности исторического образования в конце XVIII - начале XX в
- Роль классного руководителя в формировании познавательного интереса школьников
Поиск рефератов
Последние рефераты раздела
- Тенденции развития системы высшего образования в Украине и за рубежом: основные направления
- Влияние здоровьесберегающего подхода в организации воспитательной работы на формирование валеологической грамотности младших школьников
- Характеристика компетенций бакалавров – психологов образования
- Коррекционная программа по снижению тревожности у детей младшего школьного возраста методом глинотерапии
- Формирование лексики у дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи
- Роль наглядности в преподавании изобразительного искусства
- Активные методы теоретического обучения