Особенности рекламных коммуникаций

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1. Краткий словарь когнитивных терминов / Под ред. Е. С. Кубряковой, В. З. Демьянкова, Ю. Г. Панкрац, Л. Г. Лузиной. М., 1996. 140 c.

2. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. М., 1990. 470 c.

3. Chronicle of America. NY, 1997.

4. Lingvo, Abby. 2001.

5. The Oxford Russian Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1997.


1. Cosmopolitan (December 1999; September 1999; November 1999; December 2000; April 2001; March 2002).

2. Guess (October 2001).

3. Hilton Guest; Hilton International, (May 1999; March 2000; January 2001; March 2001) .

4. JJ (March 2001).

5. Ladies’ Home Journal (April 1991; April 1998; February 1999; October 1999; May 2000; May 2001).

6. Life. The Obsever Magazine (10 February, 2002; 24 February, 2002) .

7. Marie Claire (March, 1998, October 1998, May 2001).

8. Men’s Health (December 2001).

9. Mother Jones (October 1998; January 1999; March/April 2000; December 2000).

10. New York Observer (15 April, 2002).

11. (September 2000; April 2001; January 2002).

12. Playboy (February 1999 November 2000; November 2001; December 2001).

13. Reader’s Digest (October 2000).

14. The Economist (February, 2002).

15. The Observer Magazine (12 January, 1999; 5January, 2000; 10 February 2002).

16. The Sky Magazine (April 2002).

17. The Sunday Time Magazine (12 December, 1999; 6 December, 2001; 23 April, 2002).

18. The Sunday Times Culture (October 2001; November 2001) .

19. The World of Interiors (March 1997).

20. Time (November 2000; March 2002).

21. Vogue (May, 2001).

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