Особенности формирования иноязычного лексикона на среднем этапе обучения английскому языку в средней общеобразовательной школе

1-Yes, I bake my home cakes.

2-I buy mine in the supermarket.

1-Is it expensive?

2-No, only 2. I also buy vegetables there.

1-I like vegetables.

2-Would you like some broccoli?

1-No, thanks I have eaten some cheese.

2-I do not have any chicken or beef but I have a ham. Do you want it?

1-No, thanks. I have eaten plenty enough.

3) Заполните пропуски в предложен

иях нужными словами и выражениями:

1-Would you like _?

2- _! I’ll try a little.

1-This is delicious! Can I have ?

2-No problem. Just _.

1-Is it fresh?

2-Yes, I baked it this morning. do you like ?

1-Yes, I bake my home cakes.

2-I buy mine in supermarket.

1-Is it e ?

2-No, only 2.I also buy _ there.

1-I like vegetables.

2-Would you like some _?

1-No, thanks I have eaten some cheese.

2-I do not have but I have a ham. Do you want it?

1-No, thanks. I have eaten plenty enough.

4) Here are the pictures of fruits and vegetables. Can you tell us how often do you eat each of them. Which of them are popular in our country?

Рис. 1

Рис. 2

5) Answer the following questions:

1.What can you eat by fork/spoon/teaspoon…

2.What for do we use napkin?

3.What for do we use this ware/dishes?

4.What wares have you used today?

5.What dishes do we use for the blue plate?

6.What dishes do we use for the second course?

7. What dishes do we use for the desert?

Рис. 3

Урок 2

Цель: формировать навык на уровне слова, по теме «Мы то, что мы едим», создать условия для совершенствования монологической и диалогической речи.

Оснащение урока - учебник «Spotlight», картинки по теме.

Для развития речевых навыков, учитель предлагает ученикам спеть следующую песенку.

Are You Eating (to the tune of "Are You Sleeping")

Are you eating, are you eating

Healthy foods, healthy foods?

For your body needs them, for your body needs them

Everyday, everyday.

упражнения на уровне слова. Подберите определения к следующим словам: cheese, home cakes, vegetables, apple, grapes, cabbage, teacup.

Найдите неподходящее слово:

1.Kiwi, fork, lemon, orange.

2.potatoes, tomato, garlic, ham.

3.mugs, bowls, spoon, knifes.

4.teaspoon, knife, napkin, fork.

5.mug, lime, milk, melons.

4) Тренировка введенной лексики.

Here are the picture of products and dishes some of them healthy and some of them not. What are healthy? Give proof of your ideas. Work in groups.

Урок 3

Цель: употребление слов на уровне словосочетаний, повторение темы “мы то, что мы едим ” в монологических высказываниях учащихся, формирование лексико-грамматических продуктивных навыков.

Оснащение урока: учебник, распечатки.

1) сопоставьте следующие словосочетания:






with wine











2) подберите как можно больше прилагательных и глаголов к следующим словам: bread, milk, cheese, banana, carrot, potatoes, juice, lemon, food, tea, pizza, pasta, candy.

3) Употребление новых ЛЕ.

Make up the mini-essay on the theme “What I can cook”. Create a quotation of your own beginning with the following: “ I can cook…”.

Урок 4

Цель: употребление слов на уровне предложений и сверхфразовых единств, повторение темы “мы то, что мы едим ” в монологических высказываниях учащихся, формирование лексико-грамматических продуктивных навыков.

Оснащение урока: учебник.

1)Беседа учителя, стимулирующая интерес к теме занятия.

T: Let’s begin our lesson with a poem (on the blackboard):

I Like to Eat!

I like hotdogs

I like beans,

I like eating in my jeans.

I like french fries

I like ham

I like eating in my jams.

I like cookies

I like pie

I like eating in my tie.

I like bagels

I like lox

I like eating in my socks.

I like pancakes

I like molasses

I like eating in my glasses.

I like veggies

I like fruit

I like eating in my boots.

Тренировка ЛЕ.

2)Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What is your favorite fruit?

2.What is your favorite vegetable?

3.What types of dish do you use every day?

4.Can you enumerate fruits which grew in Russia?

5. Can you enumerate vegetables which grew in Russia?

6.What kind of tea do you like and why?

3)задайте вопросы к выделенным словам, в скобках дано количество вопросов, которые вы должны задать:

1. I like backing bread.(2)

2.Tom prefers broccoli.(2)

3.Most people don’t like garlic.(2)

4.he is drinking apple juice.(4)

5.the ham is fresh.(2)

6. there are 4 red napkins on the table.(4)

4)Now try to express your opinion and say what people eat in different countries. All you need is to complete the following sentences.

Most people like to eat (for .) .

Most Russian people eat…

Usually they eat .( for pleasure, .)

When they are eating they like to, . (watch TV .)

People like to eat because it is

Of course sometimes eating unhealthy food can be

What you eat depends on….

4) Употребление введенной лексики.

Урок 5

Цель: повторение и обобщенно темы “мы то, что мы едим ” в монологических высказываниях учащихся, формирование лексико-грамматических продуктивных навыков.

Оснащение урока: учебник, распечатки.

Закончите предложения:

1.Watermelon is my favorite…

2.Peope eat soup by……

3.I don’t like drink green….because it’s untasty.

4.Vegetarians don’t eat…

5… is made from milk.

Дайте свою дефиницию следующих слов: chicken, fresh, to bake, cucumber, napkin, coffee, to cook.

Составьте ситуацию со следующими словами: pineapple, cabbage, beat, to cut, to fry, meat, boil, salt, pepper.

I see you know much about products. You are active and good cooks. I think you are ready to prepare dish for your friends from other countries and organize a traditional lunch for them. You are welcome!

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